Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Parenting

As a Parent its very heart breaking to see our precious little ones in tears. Yes, I understand that...I am a mom. We parents, not only have to deal with the tears of our little ones but our own as well. How many of us parents, feel guilty when we leave a crying child in a stranger's arm?

Whatever our circumstances are whether we are working, running around to do errands or simply going to a party. We feel the pinch deep down when closing those doors behind our crying babies.
 Guess what...its normal. Normal to feel the separation anxiety.
Life has to go on, daily rituals need to be fulfilled and most of us have to report to work and we simply cannot tag along our precious children. They need to learn as well, thats a very simple realistic fact.

What we can do as parents:
Foremost create a bond of trust with your child. Assure him that you will always be there for him no matter what.

Talk positive about caregivers, school teachers and school.

Find a school which you are comfortable with, keep in mind the physical challenges, drop off & pick up time. Close to your house.  Sometimes physical proximities can add on to axiety in parents and ultimately felt by children.

Make sure to do a  thorough background check of the school and the teachers or caregivers.
Also keep in mind to check on the credentials.

Remember, sometimes the best teacher has no great credential at all but her attitude makes it a whole lot difference so word of mouth has to be the strongest recommendation.

Never talk negative about school and teachers in your child's presence.

Try to get to know your child's teacher as a person rather than just a teacher.

And always remember children tend to test our limitations, they are different with different adults.

Once your child starts school, please  try to make short precise goodbyes. Tagging along in the classroom and staying for long doesnt help. It doesnt help your crying child or you at all.. Remember it doesnt bother the teachers at all...they are trained to deal with it and used to crying noises around them all day long. So who is actually at loss?????

Tell your child that, " you will be back to pick him up after school." Wish him to have a great day & LEAVE.
The longer you stay the more anxious you and your child will become.

Now dont get me wrong, feel free to watch and observe your child from a distance where he or she cannot see you at all.

Also if you as a  parent feel anxious about sending your children to school, trust me.. your children will feel that anxiety in you. So try to atleast appear joyful infront of them even though you may feel your heart is ready to jump out.

"Happy Parenting":)By: Ifra N. Khoso

Monday Blues

Mondays are always challenging for the kids, their parents and even me. You dont feel like getting up, getting dressed and even a hot cup of freshly brewed tea refuses to help wake your senses up.

I am only fully awake once the clock strikes seven ( I get up at 5:30 everyday except for the weekends) and its time for my own munchkins to get ready for the long day ahead. The hustle bustle starts, breakfast, lunch containers, books, my own bag with a cup of tea and we are ready to step outside.

The school itself welcomes me with smiling co-workers, good morning chimes from the kids and nervous looks from the parents of 2 year olds. Their eyes always seem to search me, trying to question me that whether or not we, teachers take "Sincere" care of their little jewels.

I greet the little angels with a smile, hand shakes, hugs and even when essential carry them around. That makes me miss my own babies and I pray that somebody is doing the same for them.

Class starts and I get busy in observing and working with my group of 24 kids ranging from 2&1/2 to 5 years. The environment this mixed age group creates is very powerful and real. If one is to observe a typical montessori classroom, he would be mesmerized by the dynamics of it.

Since today was Monday, I had a few clingy ones who just wanted to sit next to me or follow me around, which is absolutely fine. I did remind them from time to time  to sit down & think what they would like to do.
A normal question expected from any Montessori directress, trying to direct a child in the montessori classroom. It is so because children are given choices to make instead of teachers choosing for them like in any other traditional classroom. We, as educators just have to be a little patient and it does pay off. The so-called clingy ones finally were at ease to let go of me & before long they got busy in doing their work.

Lunch was messy though...well what does one expects with beef, salad & cheese tacos served to the 3 year olds:) the good part was the clean I started to sweep the floor, one of my three year old offered his help and instead of waiting for my reply decided to simply join me in the chore.
Have you ever seen a three year old sweeping the floor? its a treat for your eyes. For me it was simply bliss.

Thought of the day, " Never underestimate anyones abilities, specially  a 3 year old's".
By: Ifra N. Khoso